Saturday, October 11, 2008

Austin Asian American Film Festival

This annual Asian film festival is going on right now, and tickets can still be bought at the door for film showings so check the schedule if you want to see one. Tickets are only $8 to most of the films, and many have the director or producer present.
Last night we saw the opening double feature, "Who Killed Vincent Chin?" and "Vincent Who?" These films were amazing. They were about the death of Vincent Chin, who was killed in 1982 by two laid off auto workers in Detroit who blamed him for their job loss. Toyotas and Hondas were starting to create stiff competition for American cars, and the men thought Vincent was Japanese. They beat him to death with a baseball bat, and neither of them served a single day in jail. The second movie, "Vincent Who?" discusses how little people today know about Vincent's story.


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